Mindful Fathering is delivered most effectively when organizations and staff are trained to use the program and can meet client and program delivery responsibilities. Training can be arranged directly with Yorktown Family Services and customized to meet the interests and needs of individual organizations and/or service networks.
Mindful Fathering is best delivered by professionals with skills and knowledge in the areas of:
Rodrigo Moreno, Mindful Fathering Program Co-facilitator
Liisa Kuuter, Mindful Fathering Program Co-facilitator
David O’Brien, Director of Infant, Child, and Youth Mental Health Services
Ruby Martin, Chief Child and Youth Programs Officer, YWCA York, Pennsylvania
Christen Coscia, Mindfulness Education Coordinator, YWCA York, Pennsylvania
Suzette Arruda-Santos, Executive Director
Karen Blake, Manager of Community-Based Violence Prevention Programs
Your facility needs to offer privacy, access to a kitchen for meal preparation, and a bathroom. It needs to be large enough for fathers to be able to get up, walk around and complete some activities separate from the group.
Table versus circle? We’ve used both. A table provides a surface for resources, note taking, and the physical structure of the table itself may help the men feel a little less exposed. Sitting in a circle eliminates all barriers. Your choice will depend on your options and cultural norms.
Two co-facilitators of mixed genders are needed to run a group of between eight and 12 members. A third facilitator and/or intern can also assist and gain experience for running a subsequent cycle. With support, a resource person (former member of the group) can be a tremendous asset to the group. A supervisor/manager is also needed to support and manage the program.
The manager and co-facilitators are responsible for supporting fathers throughout their experience at Mindful Fathering. This can include: helping the men prepare for meetings and/or telephone contact with child welfare and/or other professionals; reaching out to them during and in between groups if they appear to be in difficulty; and, supporting them to connect to additional supports and services. Specific activities are determined by staff/agency practices.
Contact us today with your organization’s information and training needs. Use the Training Program Information Request Form and we will respond by email to set up a phone consultation. You may also call Karen Blake, Program Manager during normal business hours EST at (416) 394-2424, ext. 228.
We appreciate your interest in bringing Mindful Fathering to your community.